velocity model building from raw shot gathers using machine learning

Introduction to Velocity Model Building

Velocity model building stands as a foundational aspect of seismic data processing. Traditionally, this process involves creating a subsurface model that accurately represents the geological formations and their respective velocities. However, conventional techniques for velocity model building often require extensive manual labor and expertise.

The Role of Raw Shot Gathers

Raw shot gathers are crucial in the development of accurate velocity models. They contain the unprocessed seismic data captured during acquisition. Interpreting these raw gathers involves picking velocities, which is a meticulous and time-consuming task. The goal is to convert these raw shots into a comprehensive velocity model that can assist in subsurface imaging and analysis.

Leveraging Machine Learning

The advent of machine learning has opened new doors for automating and enhancing the process of velocity model building. By training algorithms on vast datasets, machine learning models can learn to predict accurate velocity models from raw shot gathers, reducing the need for manual intervention. These models can identify patterns and anomalies much faster and with greater precision than traditional methods.

Benefits of Machine Learning in Velocity Model Building

The integration of machine learning into velocity model building offers several advantages. Firstly, it speeds up the entire process, saving valuable time and resources. Secondly, machine learning models can continually improve by learning from new data, leading to increasingly accurate models over time. Lastly, using machine learning helps in mitigating human errors, providing more reliable results.

By Luke G.

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